Spa Planet

Парна 2 х 2,5 х 2,2 м 11 м³


Парна 2 х 2,5 х 2,2 м 11 м³


Spa planet

Spa Planet is a team of professionals with more than 25 years of experience in the design and building of a turnkey bath. You can choose a turnkey-ready bath or a turnkey project of bath – we will help you with any kind of work.

At Spa Planet you can buy a turnkey bath of any size and design at an affordable price, including the following configurations:

  • 5 on 4 turnkey baths;
  • 6 on 6 turnkey baths;
  • 6 on 8 turnkey baths.

Small baths, baths for the backyard or for the house – regardless of the complexity of the project, we will offer you a solution. The average time we need to build a steam room is 15-20 days, the construction of a turnkey wooden bath usually takes 1-2 months.

What to choose – a bath or a sauna, and what is the difference between them? Almost everyone who wants to become the owner of a private place of relaxation deals with these issues.

The main difference is the temperature. Finnish sauna belongs to the dry type steam, the temperature of it reaches 90-120ºC and even higher, while the humidity is quite low – 10-15%.

In the classic Russian bath, the temperature is lower – 50-70ºC, but the humidity ranges from 40-60%. These are closer to the natural conditions for the human body, so this mode is considered more comfortable for humans. There is also a version of the hot Russian bath: the temperature in it reaches 75-90ºC, and humidity – 20-35%.

As you can see, the bath has a milder and more natural effect on the human body. You can stay in the bath longer – up to 20 minutes, then take a break for about 8-10 minutes and repeat. In the sauna, you should initially spend 5-10 minutes, and then gradually increase the time.

Another fundamental difference between the bath and sauna is the tradition of steaming. A broom is traditionally used in baths. The most popular options are birch, oak, or eucalyptus broom. Thanks to him, the ritual of taking a steam bath becomes even more perfect – massage and aromatherapy improve well-being and make visiting the bath even more useful.

There are no brooms in the sauna and all you need to do is take a comfortable position on the shelf, relax and have fun. Thus, the bath is about more active rest and the sauna – passive.

The third difference is the design of the furnace and the location of the stones. The temperature in the room depends on it. In the sauna, the stones for the stove are placed outside, and in the bath, they are placed directly on the stove. Electric stoves are often used instead of wood stoves in baths, which generate light steam and allow you to precisely control the temperature.


The peculiarity of the Russian bath is that its main part is in the vestibule and is connected to the steam room only by one wall. Due to this, the air in the bath does not burn but gives a feeling of pleasant warmth. When the temperature drops, hot water is added to the stones again, due to which steam is formed. This humidity creates a microclimate close to the natural environment.

Saunas have the opposite principle of action: since the temperature in it reaches 100° C, the air must be dry, because at high humidity at this temperature you can get burns. Dry air creates an optimal microclimate for the stay.

Turnkey sauna construction is our profile, so you can without hesitation turn to Spa Planet with this task. We are experts in our field and will help you at all stages – from the idea to its successful implementation.

Wild baths and saunas are made of handmade wood. The material used to decorate the turnkey wooden bath is linden, processed by hand. Linden is also used to decorate turnkey saunas. Thanks to our technology we create a unique work of handicraft. This wood looks unusual, effectively retains heat, and is very pleasant to the touch, which is why we chose it to decorate the walls inside the buildings of the baths. The logs retain a useful, rich in linden essential oils bark.

Wild linden wood contains many essential oils. The pleasant honey aroma of the wood is extremely strong and lasts a long time after construction. The unusual appearance of the linden bath and the special atmosphere allow you to feel relaxed, to get a natural healing effect, recover quickly and forget about all worries.

The increased content of phytoncides in wildwood brings additional health benefits:

  • Heals the respiratory system
  • Helps to cure colds
  • Calms the nervous system
  • Increases immunity and tones the body

Treated wood manually retains its protective layer, lasts longer and does not lose its original appearance, cracks less and changes color.

The final cost of a turnkey bath or sauna depends on a number of factors, including the material used for decoration, design, size, and lighting. Also, how much the project will cost depends on the equipment, the type of furnace, and the availability of additional spa elements. If it is a question of construction of a sauna in the turnkey apartment – the price will be one, if about a sauna in a turnkey country house or a sauna in the format of a separate building – another. The cost of each project is individual. Spa Planet specialists will help you choose the best version of the bath or sauna project, according to your wishes. We will answer all your questions and help to form the final budget of the project.

We work on the area of the entire Ukraine. Our proven methods of monitoring the performance of works allow us to build the same quality facilities, even in the most remote parts of our country.

In addition to design and construction, you can entrust us with the maintenance, repair, and care of your bath. According to the schedule, we will carry out maintenance of the equipment, care of a tree, repair, and everything that the bath or a sauna needs to serve you long.

Contact Spa Planet right now and our specialists will answer all your questions.

Spa Planet

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